Friday, April 29, 2005

Planet Rayburn?

Planet Roy
O.C.'s very own Planet Roy took over a Costa Mesa pub (the Harp Inn) last night with three full sets of music. As Gary Fitch put it... they were playing everything they knew, and then some new ones just for the occassion. Also thrown in were no less than THREE Dave Rayburn tunes! The Roy has been known to cover the Dave from time to time, but three songs in one night was a new record. Also in attendance was Michael Moore (Garage Salesmen), who co-wrote "Small Midwestern Town". After the energetic live performance of that song, Fitch made a comparison to the Beatles as he praised the songwriting duo in the crowd. Ironically, Roy also covered "Dear Prudence" and "I Feel Fine"... so I think we were in good company. Next up was a ROCKIN' version of "I've Got Time" (a rarely played Rayburn favorite) in the second set. As the house cleared out during the third and final set of music, Roy busted out a Neil Young-ish presentation of "In Peace (Dogstar)"... completing the Rayburn triple play for the night. Good stuff! Grab one of their CDs when you can.
As for my relationship with Planet Roy... I officially threw out the idea of being a songwriting contributor for the band. They seem to like my 90's material enough, and I've got lots of songs laying around doing nothing. There's also rumors of joining in on some Planet Roy rehearsal sessions, and DJ Jones offered up the band to be my backing group when I'm ready to record my album. There is a good chance that I will take them up on the offer. Stay tuned.