Friday, January 13, 2006

Dickie's Dream (Part One)


Oh, this was a fun one. The drinking started early, and the fun began immediately. Dickie Little (of the Ziggens) was on hand to help out and make sure that no beer bottle was left unopened.

Jesse Cripps (John Frum) - electric guitar
Gary Fitch (
Planet Roy, Running Erin, Skillet Lickers) - electric guitar
D.J. Jones (Planet Roy, the Spurs) - bass guitar
Dickie Little (The Ziggens) - vocals
Dave Rayburn (
Buddy, Garage Salesmen) - vocals
Miguel Zuleta (
Planet Roy, Shattered Glass) - drums

Songs (in order of appearance):
"I've Got Time" (Rayburn) - A pretty solid run-through of this rocker.
"Good In Black" (Rayburn) - This one is the current favorite of mine. Sounding real good all around.
"Outside" (Rayburn) - At little sloppy around the edges, but I think the energy more than makes up for it!
"Awake" (Rayburn) - Spent quite a lot of time on this one tonight. I blame Friday the 13th. Sweet liqour eases the pain.
"Small Midwestern Town" (Moore/Rayburn) - The same old usual brilliant fanfare.
"Set Me Free" (Rayburn) - Still working on the new vocal build-up ending, but it's coming together a lot better than expected.
"Broken" (Rayburn) - There's just no getting away from that damn surf lick, is there? Kidding. There was some great sudio chatter during this one including Miguel screaming, "I don't know what's going on!!!" God bless you, my percussive friend.
"It's Your Turn Anyway" (Gomez/Rayburn) - This one is practically on auto pilot.

"Wonder" (Rayburn) - Still trying to find the right groove for this one, although it does seem to be slowing down a little more each time we play it.
"Why Won't You Fall?" (Rayburn) - A very fragile song, and one that owes a lot to the tasteful drumming of one Miguel Zuleta.

"In Peace (Dogstar)" (Rayburn) - If Neil Young could have waited about thirty years or so, we'd be impressing a lot of people with this arrangement. Still, this one is all ours. Just ask any of us.
"Phases And Changes" (Rayburn) - The last of the "album" songs was almost a no-brainer. Everyone did a fine job, and I think we have this one in the bag.
"Every Dog Must Have His Day" (Jones) - Miguel got his chance to shine, and thanks to his favorite domestic beer... he faced his demons and won. Request this one next time you're at a Planet Roy gig!
"Dickie's Dream" (Little/Jones/Fitch/Cripps) - Rehearsal seemed over, and then Dickie took to the mic with a million dollar smile on his face. What followed was one heck of an interesting 20-something minute improvisational music-drama-comedy showcase that will never see the light of day as long as any of us are considering a government office. I had a good time, though. Thanks, Dickie!

As the evening came to a close and the time to sober up was upon us, Gary noticed something on top of Miguel's drums. It was Miguel. Poor buddy. He had a long week, and many a beer... and simply passed out on his kit. After taking several posed pictures with him, we carefully helped him inside his house for a good night's rest filled with dreams of Norm's pancakes.


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