Monday, December 19, 2005

Keys, Please...

I love the sound of breaking glass

In a casual meeting at Casa de Fitch, a couple members of the DRP got together to hang out and throw a few ideas around. Gary sat behind the electric keyboard and starting banging out a few of the tunes we were working on. I picked up an acoustic and sang along... to find that piano arrangements might just be the way to go on a couple songs.

Gary Fitch (Planet Roy, Running Erin, Skillet Lickers) - keyboard, vocals
Dave Rayburn (Buddy, Garage Salesmen) - acoustic guitar, vocals

Songs (in no particular order):
"Awake" (Rayburn) - There's something a little more somber about this one on piano. I like it!
"Broken" (Rayburn) - I've had a hard time settling with the current arrangement of this song, so to hear it with a piano accompanyment greatly helped accent the progression that I wrote it around.
"Wonder" (Rayburn) - Not bad, though I'm still partial to the `coustic.
"Phases And Changes" (Rayburn) - This one could work in any direction we take it (in my opinion). Not sure where it will go from here, but I'm glad we tried it.

I certainly appreciated the opportunity to work on some songs outisde the controlled environment of the rehearsal studio. No piano there. Ideas are always welcome. Now it's just a matter of implementing them.


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